09 July 2011

New Things

For a while now, I've been looking into raw foods, as a way to integrate healthier eating habits into my life. For years, I've been eating what I've learned to be called the SAD way - Standard American Diet. I'm not sure of all that goes with that title - SAD - but if it means thoughtless, mindless eating a lot of the time, than I fit the bill.

This weekend, one of the people that I have become a 'facebook fan' of in the raw foods area is having a book giveaway on the sujbect of Raw Foods on a Budget. If you would like to win a book package and learn more about this, there are multiple opportunities to win. Follow this link (click where you see the title or on the picture of the book):

I've only taken small steps, having made only a couple of recipes, but I am encouraged when I read about it, epecially when I read and see before and after testimonials.

If you'd like to win one of Brandi's books, "Raw Foods on a Budget," click where you see the title of her book.  

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